The Centre, Livingston, is first UK mall to take part in Social Bite event
The Centre, Livingston, has become the first mall in the UK to sign up and take part in Social Bite’s World’s Big Sleep Out (WBSO) on the 7th December.
Over 30 staff and family members, including Patrick Robbertze, Centre Director and Ashley Bisland, Deputy Centre Director, will brave the cold and camp outside the shopping centre on the night to raise money for Social Bite. The charity was founded by Josh Littlejohn and Alice Thompson in 2012, who are on a mission to eradicate homelessness across the world.
Alice Thompson said: “We are delighted The Centre, Livingston shopping centre has become the first mall in the UK to sign up and take part in the World’s Big Sleep Out and would encourage everyone to think about how they can take part in what will be an incredible event happening around the world with one aim – to eradicate homelessness globally.”
Ashley Bisland, deputy centre director at The Centre, Livingston said: “Sleeping outside The Centre, Livingston on the 7th December for Social Bite as part of the World’s Big Sleep Out event is our way of raising money and awareness to help end homelessness. We are delighted so many of the team have signed up for it and some of their family members too.”